Head Over Feet

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Title: Head Over Feet
Author(s): Ever_So_Reylo aka Ever-so-reylo aka ever-so-ali aka Ali Hazelwood
Date(s): Posted: 01 October 2018, Completed: 11 July 2019
Length: 104,435 words, 21 chapters
Genre(s): Academia, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Emotional Constipation, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Explicit Sexual Content, F/M, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Graduate School, Jealousy, Miscommunication, Misunderstandings, Mutual Pining, Teacher-Student Relationship
Fandom(s): Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
External Links: AO3 (archived link)

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Head Over Feet is a Reylo College AU fanfic. It was very popular story on fanfic website Ao3; with 5689 Comments, 5923 Kudos, 1103 Bookmarks and 111897 Hits as at September 9, 2019.[1] It was later removed by the author, and turned into the book The Love Hypothesis.

When the story was originally posted on Ao3, it was dedicated/gifted to Murakamism who was thanked for "the awesome prompt!". The story was betaed by LoveOfEscapism and Monsterleadmehome.


On the fic itself:

“Is it working, for you?” Maybe it comes out a little needy, but Rey tells herself that it’s only because of how low she has to pitch her voice to talk to him. “Or do you maybe want to fake-break up?”Ben doesn't answer for a second. Then, just as Doctor Phasma takes the mic to thank the speaker and ask the audience if anyone has questions, Rey hears him say, “No. No, I don’t want to fake-break up.”They're not dating for real. Right?

As described by a fan:

Ben is a professor meanwhile Rey is still a gad student, I think? The whole conflict of the story is essentially Rey kissing Ben out of nowhere to avoid Hux from making advances on her. They eventually agree on having a pretend relationship and shenanigans ensues.

Comment by CosmoSalad


Inspired Works



A fan bound a printed copy of the fic.

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  1. ^ Head Over Feet on Ao3, archived link. Archive date: 9 September 2019.