Harry Potter and the Bound Prince

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Title: Harry Potter and the Bound Prince
Author(s): Sayingsorry_hh and Slashpervert
Date(s): 2007-09
Length: 135,000 Words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: online here and here

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Harry Potter and the Bound Prince is a 37-chapter Draco/Harry fanfic written by Sayingsorry_hh and Slashpervert.

This story was produced through live role-play between its two coauthors. "Most of it is written using a cooperative style of writing that uses YIM or AIM based 'role playing' and then a great deal of negotiation and editing to make it fiction."

Slashpervert takes on the role of Draco, and the coauthor, Sayingsorry_hh, plays Harry.

It has 1,092 comments on Livejournal where it was posted.

"Harry Potter and The Bound Prince" won the 2007 Quill to Parchment Awards, Round One, for 1) Best Male Slash, 2) Best Novel Length and 3) Best Trio Era fan fiction.

Author's Summary

"In Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince there is a pivotal moment where things could have gone very differently. That is the bathroom scene where Harry nearly kills Draco by accident. Draco is upset that Harry has caught him crying and throws a hex. It escalates and ends in blood. Our story begins with the simple premise of "what if" something changed in the bathroom scene so that Harry and Draco talked instead of throwing hexes. It also takes the assumption of unvoiced attraction between the two. Draco takes a chance and kisses Harry. Once sparked, their mutual desire and exploration becomes the driving force in the alternative ending to that of Half-Blood Prince. Draco's "mission" from Voldemort turns out to be more complex than that presented in canon and their solution even more difficult."

A 2010 Poll Regarding Readership

From an informal poll conducted by SP via SP's LJ page on July 30, 2010: The gender results: 3.6 percent male, 91.1 percent female, 0.7 percent trans (FTM), 2.8 percent gender queer, and 1.8 percent androgynous. As for sexual orientation, 54 percent identified as straight or heterosexual, 30.8 percent as bi/omnisexual/pansexual, 4.8 percent gay/lesbian, 8 percent asexual, and 2.4 percent other (unspecified).

Reactions and Reviews: Fans

This is a big story. A BIG STORY. Not just in length but... When I started this story, and just now looked it up for links, I didn't realize that it was such a huge deal. That it was novel length, part of a series of HUGE HUGE novels. This is the kind of writing all writers should aspire to. Prolific, plentiful, and well betaed...

There was so much smut, so much drama and angst. It was so long, and everyone knows I like long stories, long fics. This is the most complete fic I have ever read, especially because of the continuance of the story with Harry Potter and The Secret Keeper which I have yet to read, but plan to today.

Everyone should read this, everyone. It's a little overwhelming at first, especially if you are new to slash, but then it's just so great. Draco and Harry are so equal, so even...

And you know, there is something that I find throughout both the HP and Twilight fandoms, in fanfiction, where this is some remarkable pairing, event, that goes unnoticed by the outside world. Draco and Hermione are a great pair, but rarely are they seen in public together, do anything in public together, and most certainly don't come out to everyone with anything even indicating how everyone takes it and how they go on. Perhaps that didn't make sense...

The writers who created this story/fic/novel, did a great job of continuing the story, exposing the couple, and explaining and showing the reactions of the school. Most stories keep the couple, whether a slash or just a het fannon pairing, a secret, or just end the story with the pairing coming out. No reaction, no backstory, just THE END.

I'm so happy that I get another story after this one, and then another, and another. I'm so excited! 10's all around! [1]

This book is almost all sex, with just enough plot to keep the reader interested in the story. Harry is fucking Draco, and magically binds themselves together, essentially making Draco his concubine, his slave, Draco has to pretty much do everything Harry says. Oh, and if Harry doesn't fuck Draco every day, Draco dies.

The sex is off the charts hot, even if there is way too much of it. Draco and Harry fall in love, and things get rather sappy quite often, with a lot of "yours forever" "always" "mine", etc.

Harry being Harry, is trying his best NOT to compel Draco to do things against his will, so don't go thinking of this as him taking advantage or going to the dark side or anything, he's still very much Harry, doing things without thinking.

This is a long series, and I'm interested in the story, we'll see if I can keep up with it while skimming all the sex. [2]

Academic Attention
