Green Glass Universe

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Title: Green Glass
Author(s): bluespirit
Date(s): 2004-2007
Length: 78,000 (first story)
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): LOTR RPS
External Links: available here[1]
banner for 'Green Glass'. Artist: bluespirit

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The Green Glass Universe is a series of LOTR RPS AU stories written by Bluespirit. The first story, Green Glass won won several awards in the Livejournal slashy_oscars in 2005. The main pairing in the universe is Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom.

Author's Summary: Love really is the sweetest thing.

Stories in the Series

banner for the 2005 Slashy Oscar award
  • Green Glass (2004)
  • Making Spirits Bright ~ a Green Glass Christmas Interlude (2004)
  • When Craigsie met Daisy ~ a Green Glass Interlude (Craig Parker/David Wenham) (2005)
  • The sweetest thing ~ a glimpse into the Green Glass future (2007)
  • Living the Happily Ever After (unfinished) (2005)


2005 Slashy Oscars

  • Best Sex Scene
  • Best Character in a Supporting Role: Craig Parker
  • Best Uncommon Pairing: Craig Parker/David Wenham
  • Best Comedic Relief: Craig Parker
banner for the 2008 MOME award

2008 Men of Middle Earth (MOME) Award

  • MOME Award for 'Classic Sean Bean/Orlando Bloom Long Fiction'


Reactions to the main story:

"Thank you for taking us on this amazing journey!!! GG ranks as one of my most favorite stories ever ... such a sweet, warm, wonderful tale."[2]

"I'm new to slash so I'm always late in reading stories. You've already heard from so many people but I guess I just wanted to add my 2 cents about your beautiful story. And it is truly a lovely, beautiful story. I hate angst, I'm a total sap when it comes to this kind of fan fiction. I love these boys too much to want to read about them being unhappy. I have found many stories that I really love but this series has really touched me and I just wanted to thank you for writing it and sharing it with all of us. I often avoid au stories because people seem to like to kill people off in them but I'm very happy that I read yours. Thank you."[3]

"I recently discovered your story Green Glass with Sean and Orli! I know it's kind of late to post my review, but I decided to do it anyway. It's a beautiful and wonderfully written! There are so few stories with this particular pair. I love them together, they are so different but seems right for each other. And your fairytale is just so great! I was reading and smiling and feeling warm for Sean's caring gestures toward Orli an Orli was so innocent so tender and lovely!"[4]

The story was so popular that some fans created their own bound custom zines, complete with Bluespirit's banner on the cover
"I should have left you fb in each chapter 'cause now I'm not able to say all the things that I found absolutely perfect... and believe me, there were many.

Suffice to say, I think you're an amazingly talented writer.

There are passages in this story that flow just like poetry. And there are images so powerful that you can actually feel what the characters are feeling.

As I'm sure everyone has already told you, chapter 15 was heartbreaking. And I really loved how you took the story from there, how you managed to make them both a little more real, to each other and to the reader.

The ending was perfect. A fairy tale but one that you can almost reach out and touch 'cause the characters are grown into themselves and into a sort of balance that wasn't there at the beginning."[5]

"I’m pretty much a lurker but I had to let you know that I love this story. Whenever I feel sad or depressed I read this and it makes me smile."[6]
