Greed (FMA)

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Name: Greed
Occupation: Homunculus, Bar owner
Relationships: Lust, Wrath, Envy and the other homunculi -- siblings, Ling Yao -- possessee/friend, The Devils Nest Gang -- employees/friends, Dante -- creator (2003 only)
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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Greed is a character of the manga Fullmetal Alchemist, as well as the both anime adaptions and the 2022 live action adaption.


2003 Anime

Greed was held prisoner in Lab 5 for over a century for breaking ties with his fellow homunculi and rebelling against Dante, but escapes during the Elric's investigation and subsequent battle at Lab 5. He joins up with a number of chimeras --former soldiers of Amestris turned lab experiments -- and establishes the Devils Nest Gang. Seeking further power and new forms of immortality, the gang kidnaps Alphonse Elric, which draws the attention of both Ed and Izumi and the Amestris military. The latter invade the Gang's home base and slaughters all of them except Greed and Martel. Greed returns to his creator, Dante, who drains his remaining red stone and leaves him in a weakened state to be confronted by Edward Elric, who cuts him down in battle.

Manga and Brotherhood

In the manga and the 2009 anime, Greed and his gang of chimeras are introduced at the Devils Nest Bar with less explanation of their backstory (though the chimeras are still former military, and Greed has still broken ties with his fellow homunculi). Similar to the old anime, they kidnap Alphonse Elric, which attracts Ed and Izumi's notice, as well as bringing Bradley with his contingent of the Amestrian military down on them. All members of the gang, including Greed, are killed in the ensuing battle. However, Greed's creator, the Dwarf in the Flask (aka Father), resurrects Greed to possess Ling Yao a short while later. At first, resurrected Greed is loyal to the homunculi, but as he regains more memories of his previous life, he once again rebels, and ends up allying with Edward Elric and helping defeat the Dwarf/Father.

Live Action


Greed is a very popular character among the broader fandom. In the mangahood fandom, his relationship with/possession of Ling is of particular interest among the fandom -- both Greelin (the character of Greed possessing Ling) and Greed and Ling together are popular subjects for fanworks. There are several prominent artists in the fandom who make primarily Greed or Greedling-centric fanworks, including humming-fly and cotgar2


  • Greed/Ling
  • Greed/Kimblee (2003)
  • Greed/Ed
  • Greed/Ling/Lan Fan


  • Jerk with a heart of gold: Although he talks a big game about being selfish and desiring to own everything, his actions show that he truly cares about his subordinates and allies, and he ultimately sacrifices himself for their victory. This is characteristic is a major part of his appeal among fans and often emphasized in fanworks.
  • Greed Lives: many fans were sad about Greed's death (in both versions of canon) and come up with AUs in which he survives/comes back again
  • Greed adopts: from taking the chimeras under his wing to his possessive-to-protective treatment of Ling and the Elrics parental interpretations of Greed are popular within the fandom. Including AUs where he takes the Elrics or even other characters under his wing.
    • Greed rescuing Nina Tucker and stabilizing her chimera form is one particular subtype of this AU

Example Fanworks





