Godric's Hat Genfic

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Name: Godric's Hat Genfic
Date(s): 2005? - 2007
Type: eFiction, gen
Fandom: Harry Potter
URL: ravenclaw.us/fiction/index.php
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Godric's Hat Genfic was an eFiction archive for gen Harry Potter fanfiction. By its disappearance, it hosted 62 stories by 36 authors. The affiliated forum had 78 members at its height of activity.


We are a by-invitation-only archive that specializes in genfic that could interest and be read by the oldest students at Hogwarts--and indeed, their professors--and not lose any House points. For more information on our personalized ratings system, please visit the help page. GenFic is not per se a "shipless" story. It is a story where romance is not the main point of the story. Ron can be interested in Hermione, Lily and James remain a couple, and Arthur and Molly need not renounce their marriage vows; however, all of this is merely background to the main point of the tales contained here.
