Gilbert and Sullivan

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Name(s): Gilbert and Sullivan
Abbreviation(s): G&S
Scope/Focus: theatrical works by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Date(s): 1871 - present
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The works of Gilbert and Sullivan are staples in the western musical theater canon. The light operas were hits when they premiered in England and the US in the late 1800s; they have remained popular ever since since, being translated, reworked, and performed by professionals and amateurs all over the world.

Only two of the operas have been made into movies -- The Mikado and The Pirates of Penzance.


Many cities and universities have a Gilbert and Sullivan Society where like-minded fans gather to perform and appreciate Gilbert and Sullivan's works. Sometimes these societies put on full theatrical productions; sometimes they simply perform for each other at regular meetings. Performances of Gilbert & Sullivan works are relatively cheap to produce as the music is in the public domain and free to use.

Fans might call themselves "Savoyards" - this technically means a fan of any "Savoy opera", which includes Gilbert & Sullivan's works as well others from the time period.

The Gilbert & Sullivan Festival has run in the UK since 1994.

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