Getting Caught

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Title: Getting Caught
Author(s): Cheryl Forbes
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Star Trek Voyager
Relationship(s): Chakotay/Paris
External Links: Getting Caught (Chakotay/Paris Fiction by Cheryl Forbes)

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Getting Caught is a Chakotay/Paris slash story by Cheryl Forbes.

Summary: Tom and Chakotay get caught with their hands on each other and are forced to become a not so happy couple.

Recs and Reviews

Cheryl Forbes: "Getting Caught". C/P. Starts as a deliciously antagonistic and distrustful relationship between C/P, that slowly, achingly, builds into one of hope, trust and love. Hot and sexy. Sensual and erotic. A great C/P ride.[1]


  1. ^ Layla's Fanfiction: Recs. (Accessed 27 July 2017)