Georgina (fan)

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Name: Georgina
Alias(es): eponymous
Type: author, challenge creator/moderator
Fandoms: popslash
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Georgina wrote 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys popslash[1], often as group crossovers, often featuring Justin/Nick as the main story pairing. The hackery AU[2] is one of her best known works, a multi-part story that casts the members of 'N Sync as a covert ops team and Nick Carter as the skilled mathematician/programmer that they recruit. She also created a clever 'N Sync/Backstreet songvid, Kiss.

Other notable stories include the offbeat, multi-part Juppy the Vampire Slayer series.

With Sandy Keene, she ran the Summer of (Crossover) Love challenge[3]. As implied by the name, it was a challenge that required a crossover pairing ('N Sync, Backstreet Boys, O-Town or 98 Degrees) and a summer motif.

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel was also one of Georgina's projects in the fandom. With Pet, she co-moderated the challenge for its first six years, helping to create a lasting model for fanfic holiday gift exchanges. The stories from the 2001 through 2006 challenges are archived and indexed on her domain[4].

"Juppy" was a nickname given to a youthful Justin Timberlake by his bandmates that was often adopted with mocking affection by popslash fandom. As Georgina notes on the splash page of her domain,, "it's a domain name that says, 'I have fully embraced my shame.'" Lucky for popslash that she did so, because her contributions to the fandom have been significant.


  1. ^ [1] Listing of the stories on her fiction site, Boys Like That. Accessed December 2008.
  2. ^ [2] Link to the first story of the AU, Thrill Type. Last accessed December, 2008.
  3. ^ [3] Link accessed December 2008.
  4. ^ [4] Link accessed December 2008.