Forever Knight Trailer

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Title: Forever Knight Trailer
Creator: kristin1228
Date: November 2004
Format: WMV
Length: 2:21
Music: Mix of Enigma & E.S. Posthumus
Fandom: Forever Knight
URL: streaming version

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Forever Knight Trailer is a Forever Knight fanvid made by kristin1228. It was reviewed by deathisyourart on December 31, 2005 at the reel LJ community. The trailer won several awards which can be seen here.[1]


  • "Though the vidders intent was to make a movie trailer, the vid itself attempts to do a lot more, perhaps too much. The Forever Knight trailer is full of strong visuals, good timing and a few well placed effects, however, by the end of it the viewer has been given the entire story minus the last chapter. A trailer should leave you with more mystery."
  • ""FK Trailer" was very professional! The musical transitions were awesome in "FK Trailer". Each clip from Enigma and E.S. Posthumus really created the perfect mood for the vid. And the Ger quote about Betty Ford not taking vampires was the perfect way to end the trailer. Awesome touch!"[2]
  • "I like the trailer a lot, but agree that maybe it attempts to do a little too much. Overall, very good though. I especially like the line at the end since it gets across a little of that Forever Knight humor/camp. - fictionbya"[3]
  • "It is no wonder why you got three of your vids on the FK S3 DVD set. Great mixing of various music tracks, great VO work, awesome scene selection, and great editing. It is great to know that there is someone out there that actually has talent that is doing our show justice. - Ryan"[4]