Foresight (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Foresight
Author(s): Gena Moretti
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Foresight is a Kirk/Spock story by Gena Moretti.

It was published in the print zine KaleidoScope #6.


"A/U: Cadet Kirk is thrown through the Guardian and ends up the property of a pre-reform Vulcan, Spock."

Reactions and Reviews


When they were handing out the talent for imaginative plot ideas, this lady must have been first in line. Ms. Moretti always comes up with a new slant on the tried and true. Kirk is a young cadet on his first deep space voyage when he accidentally falls through the Guardian of Forever and back into Vulcan's past. Here he becomes the slave of a warrior named Spock who finds the youth in the middle of the desert, takes him as his slave to his camp and falls in love with him. "Okay," you're saying, "where's the new slant?" This story is actually done in two parts, and it is the second part, when Kirk meets "our" Spock fourteen years later, where the story really took on its intriguing aspects for me. Here we see just how Kirk has matured through the intervening years, how the relationship with the warrior has colored this new relationship with his first officer. It is vital that these two men forge a strong working partnership, yet Kirk cannot get past his memories of that other man he once loved. What a wonderful dilemma for Kirk to solve! Because this is a newly published zine I don't want to give away too many plot details, but Gena solves the problem in a completely delightful and unique way.

I have to say that I really didn't buy the opening scene. That a Starfleet training officer would allow cadets to race air scooters near so valuable an artifact as the Guardian just "to work off some steam" strained credibility. Also I thought the Guardian had to be focused on a scene from the past, in this case Vulcan's past, before one could travel back in time, yet I had the impression, though never stated, that the Guardian had been turned "off." Kirk certainly wasn't aware where or when he was when he first landed in Vulcan's past.

And Kirk quelled by one of the warrior Spock's glares? Not the Kirk I know. Not at 19 years old and probably not at 19 months old.

But there were some marvelous touches in this story. I loved the description of a Vulcan horse as "though someone had stirred together a horse, a camel and a broad-beaked bird." I had a good time trying to figure out what that would look like! I also loved that the mark Kirk had carved into the warrior Spock's lirpa showed up on Spock's weapon wall. A brilliant detail and it was worked into the story extremely well. But the best part for me was when Kirk and "our" Spock take the time to get to know each other, and Kirk comes to know the man behind the polite and efficient mask Spock wears. And of course what happens to Spock's eyes when he is angry. It gave me chills.

There was a long time there when I thought we might have seen our last Gena Moretti story. I'm glad I was wrong. I'm glad you've returned to us, Gena. [1]


Another terrifically imaginative Gena Moretti story richly filled with the sights, sounds and smells of her image of Vulcan's past.

All through, however, are some strange, inconsistent or downright weird things, but no matter-just go with it and enjoy it. There's certainly plenty of K/S and even some good sex scenes, so I ended up not totally paying attention to the flaws. So once you get past the beginning where Starfleet Academy instructors allow a bunch of cadets to "blow off steam" by zooming around the Guardian Of Forever on their air-scooters (no matter that any tampering with the thing could change all of history and time for an eternity), you're home free.

Kirk falls through and ends up with gorgeous, virile warrior Spock. The story proceeds as Kirk adapts quickly and easily to a life as Spock's love slave-my kind of scenario-and proves himself proud and courageous (and real good in bed, of course).

Some language difficulties like "Kirk's male part" (which part is that?), but I loved Spock's calling Kirk's kind: "round ears". And Spock didn't know about kissing so Kirk shows him and Spock calls it: "lips together". Very imaginative stuff. And a fine sex scene complete with descriptions of actions-no cut to the crashing waves here.

Rather jarring to have it be fourteen years later all of a sudden, but it is and now the Spock ancestor, appropriately named Spock, is Kirk's first officer, and, appropriately enough, an exact twin of the past Spock. Also, there's a really good sexy dream sequence of Kirk fucking both Spocks.

So there's a lot to like in this nice long Moretti story. [2]

I was very much looking forward to reading this because I love her writing. But this shows that there has to be an exception to every rule. Assuming that it is indeed Gena Moretti who wrote it and that there's only one around with the same name, I could've sworn it was done by someone else. This story feels dead, which is the exact opposite to the feeling that I usually get when reading her stories. Here and there I got a glimpse of what could have been. [3]

I was surprised by the amount of telling instead of showing in this story. Given the time span covered, it was to be expected there would be some skipping, but I felt cheated out of some promising scenes. It’s a long story as it is, but would have been better with ten more pages of showing. [4]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #13
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #17
  3. ^ from The K/S Press #18
  4. ^ from The K/S Press #18