For Marti

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Title: For Marti
formerly titled: Marti the Matchmaker
Author(s): BigDaddyThaddy
Date(s): July 12, 2006 - July 7, 2009 (last update)
Length: 107,699 words (19 chapters)
Genre(s): Rated M, Romance/Angst, Derek/Casey
Fandom(s): Life With Derek
External Links: FFN URL

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For Marti is a Derek/Casey fic by BigDaddyThaddy that is best known for using the loss of their family and the heart wrenching way Derek, Casey, and Marti deal with it.

It remains incomplete, but it is worth the read.


When tragedy hits the Venturi/MacDonald family, the two eldest children must return from their separate lives to take care of the only survivor. In the process of grieving and trying their best to raise a young girl, old feelings are brought back to life.

Reviews & Stats

As of September 1, 2016, there are 1,167 reviews, 520 favorites, and 524 following it at FFN.

For Marti is a UFO Awards 2007 Honorable Mention winner.

"I really like the way you write. If this were printed, I'd highlight my favorite sentences because you describe specific actions well.

This is my first Life with Derek fanfic.

Granted, I haven't read your entire fic through. I skimmed a few chapters - starting with the last one - because this was updated years ago and I wanted to know how/where it stopped (whether it be a cliffhanger or not) before I invested myself in it. Although angsty, which I'm not a big fan of because depressing fics really break my heart, I definitely want to give this a read, starting back from the beginning, just because the characters seem so in-character and this story is well-written. I can imagine the characters saying their lines (maybe because I am hearing their voices in my head as I read the dialogue after coming from watching Life with Derek episodes).

It is regrettable that this fanfic is no longer getting updated (as if it were dropped). I really dislike it! But lucky for you, your writing drew me in to where I'll give it a read - and stick it in my favorites - nevertheless.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed what I have read so far and I do hope you complete this story. If not, well, I can deal with the last chapter because it isn't much of a cliffhanger (which I thank you for).[1]"

"Wow,this in my opinion is the best story I ever read on fanfiction. I'm not kidding, this story is just amazing. I adore the idea, it very relastic and you have the characters down perfectly. I'm not really a fan of Dasey, but I'm really enjoying them in this story. The emotion is so real, I was crying hysterically in a couple of your chapters.[2]"


  1. ^ Mauia88. Review on Chapter 19 at FFN. Dec 11, 2013.
  2. ^ Don't Forget Hope. Review on Chapter 19 at FFN. Sep 29, 2011.