Folly of Starlight

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Title: Folly of Starlight
Author(s): Astrochick
Date(s): 2002?
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Lord of the Rings
External Links: Folly of Starlight (

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Folly of Starlight is a Lord of the Rings slash Elrond/Legolas series of fics by Astrochick.

Reactions and Reviews

10/10 for Lord of the Rings Slash.

Yes the film had slash subtext for those of us who know where to look and Yes, slash writers have been busy.

A fantastic series has been done by Astrochick, called Folly of Starlight.It has a slow,brilliantly done build up to an Elrond/Legolas pairing.Not oneI was interested in before, but since reading this Im a big fan. Well crafted,it would be a fantastic story even without the slash. Lots of Tokeinish background,action, written in the kind of language the master would have used if he was into slash (grin). Lots of middle earth history- the big battle at the beginning of the film is covered, with all the behind the scenes men/elf political rivalries- and great believeable characters.

Elrond is a brooding, masterful,ruler weighed down by memories of bygone battles,and Legolas is younger, impulsive, and sexy.The combination as she writes it is irresistible. Great development of other,gorgeous male elves for other m/m pairings.You get elven language, culture, history customs scattered in quite naturally. And an Arwen who is strong, mischievous and charming.

And the elves in it are not fey- they're warriors, masculine and beautiful. Legolas is not the 'girl' in this series

So far, its set about a century or more before LOTR and is obviously going to flow into that timeframe.

RUN - dont walk-to the website now! [1]

Elrond and Legolas from ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’. In the recent explosion of LOTR slash fiction AC’s work stands out. I’m not fond of the later stories in the sequence which deal more with Elrond’s family, but where the focus is on the love between Elrond and Legolas in the earlier segments the quality of the writing is awesome and the background detail as far as I can tell flawless. At the same time, be prepared for some university-level discussions of Tokienian background, Elven history and particularly constellations; this is an author who is almost obsessive about doing her homework. However she writes Romance with a capital ‘R’, between two very attractive characters. [2]


  1. ^ comment by yinka wells at "Slash Sluts Multifandom Recs Board: 10/10 for Lordof the Rings slash". Archived from the original on 2016-02-05., March 2002
  2. ^ from Sue the Android at MY TOP TWELVE