Flashfic Competitions

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Flashfic Competitions or Flash Comp's are fast turn around short fanfiction writing events.

A list of prompts are released for claiming around a selected theme, prompts are claimed anonymously, the stories are revealed on one day, all participants must read all submissions and vote, meaning that these competitions are usually limited to a smaller number than that of a Fest. Authors are then revealed and awards given.

A culture of trying to guess the anonymous author based on their previous flash comp participation, known favourite ships etc is common.

A Flash Comp Timeline

An example schedule gives an idea of the timeframe:

  • Claims open/writing begins: Day 1
  • Submissions due/fic reveals: Day 10
  • Reading/voting: Day 10-Day 13
  • Votes due: Day 13
  • Author reveals: Day 13
  • Awards: Day 14

Running the Flash Comp

Flash Comp's may be run through a number of platforms, such as AO3 or Discord.

The Prompt Meme function of AO3 can be used to post prompts to be claimed.


Example Awards:

  • Overall favorite
  • Best fluff
  • Best angst
  • Best use of prompt
  • Best characterisation


HP Rare Pairs Flash Comps 2024