Five Days (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Five Days
Author(s): Una McCormack
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): gen, Episode Tag, missing scene
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: archived link

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Five Days is a Blake's 7 story by Una McCormack. It was published in The Aquitar Files.


Waiting for Shrinker, the crew contemplates the nature of revenge.

Reactions and Reviews

This is essentially what the crew did during the five days Avon was tortured in Rumours of Death. Each day is written from a different point of view as they all get to grips with what Avon is doing, what they think of it, and what they would do in his position. Although the characters do things in it that surprise each other they're still definitely in character. The story also particularly highlights the relationships between Avon and the rest of the crew and how they view him. [1]

[Five Days]: This is a fandom domain which had very much an ensemble cast, a fact that is sometimes forgotten in fan fiction. This fic uses the ensemble beautifully. It's a "missing scene" from the episode Rumours of Death, in which Avon allows himself to be captured and tortured for five days to lay hands on a Federation operative and get his revenge for the supposed death of his girlfriend. We get to see the thoughts of his crewmates on the matter, and learn more about them in the process. The best missing scenes add to the canon, and this one comes up with a brilliant explanation of why Cally is so antagonistic to Avon's plans. [2]


  1. ^ Paranoidangel's review on Haven Reviews, 14-04-2006
  2. ^ reviewed by Hafren at Crack Van, January 7, 2004