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You may be looking for the UK Star Trek zine Federation Outpost.

Title: Fedcom
Publisher: Federation Outpost Dream Base One, a fan club out of Jackson, Mississippi, US
Editor(s): various
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1986 to at least 1989?
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek
Language: English
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Fedcom is a Star Trek club zine published in Jackson, Mississippi, US.

It was published six times a year.

March 1986

  • contains three poems about the Challenger

September 1987

cover the September 1987 issue, Thomas Grillo

This issue was edited by Carole Miles and contains 24 pages.

  • much about voting in club elections, including profiles of the members running for office (there are nine people running for eight spots)
  • an interview with a member who was in basic training
  • a short con report for ChimneyCon in June at the Sheraton Regency
  • much about the upcoming Star Trek: The Next Generation, including a lot from the official Writer's Bible
  • much about a lot of local science fiction and fantasy cons
  • Guest Editorial by Bill Williams: "The Price of a Vision -- The Next Generation"
  • a review of the pro book "Dwellers in the Crucible"
  • Star Trek: TOS fiction by Diane R. Durham: "Games for the Mind"
  • poem by Jean C. Mehrtens: "My Mother the Trekker"

December 1988

front cover of the December 1988 issue, Thomas Grillo
back cover of the December 1988 issue, Peg Smith

This issue contains 24 pages.

  • the editor was Mary Bean
  • the art was by Thomas Grillo, Peg Smith, John Bell
  • a note about club leadership: "This group of officers, although our third "set," does have another "First" to claim! It is the first time we have not had an even male/female ration of officers. I hope William and Ed don't mind—at least too much—being "outnumbered"—and well try not to take advantage of the fact!"
  • a very short con report by William Carter for the Dallas Fantasy Fair
  • some club meeting reports, some reports on fundraising -- various rummage sales, raffles, bake sales ("Currently we have over $1000 in the club's accounts with approximately $350 earmarked for St. Jude's [charity] and $300 for Springfest.")
  • a mention that Circle Ouroborus (formally Fal*Con) is "our 'brother' convention"—it will be held February 17–19, 1989
  • Vulcan Vantagepoint by Mary Bean, an article about Vulcans
  • some humorous letter spoofs by fans
  • "tlhIngan la' 'ra'wI' jathlh" (Klingon Commander Speaks), by a fan who wants there to be more oversight and accountability regarding club elections
  • "Star Tales and Voyages: Is the New Star Trek Worthy of the Original? A Trekkie's Thoughtful Analysis" by Gary D. Christenson, regarding Star Trek: The Next Generation (this is a clipping from TV Guide, July 23, 1988)
  • the first half of the Star Trek: TOS fic by Christal Barnes, "A Bridge Through Time"
  • "Splflxx Takes a Trip,'" original science fiction by John Bell
  • "A Journey to Babel, and Back", a creative con report for Babel Banquet, presented by Star One Delta

March 1989

This issue of "Fedcom" was published in March 1989 and contains 25 pages. It was edited by Christal Barnes.

cover of the March 1989 issue, Thomas Gillo
back cover of the March 1989 issue, John Bell
  • much about the upcoming Springfest
  • the new Communications Officer, Christal Barnes, introduces herself and explains some policies
  • "Challenger: Three Years Later, a Personal Observation" by Bill Williams, some reminiscing and ruminating about the Challenger explosion, "It was a day when a generation of American youth lost its innocence forever."
  • some poems about the shuttle Challenger
  • Star Trek in the news, mentions in newspapers and magazines
  • some illos by Peg Smith, Bill Williams, Thomas Grilo, John Bell, John Hesselberg
  • a review by Bill Williams of the pro book "Spock's World"
  • a review by Chris Smith of the pro book "Ghost Ship"
  • a short piece of fiction: "Infonet Bulletin, Stardate 2/1982/01
  • "A Klingon View" by "Kresalbieg Zantai Zjahn"
  • a short description of the con skit (a musical) called "Our Fair Starship" that was to be performed at Springfest '89
  • USS Jackson Shoreleave, a graphic comic by John Hesselberg
  • the second half of a Star Trek: TOS fic by Christal Barnes called "A Bridge Through Time"
  • a list of Star Trek fan clubs with whom Federation Outpost Dream Base One has alliances
  • some short personal news about some club members

June 1989

This issue was never created, due to everyone being too busy.

October 1989

front cover of the October 1989 issue, artist is Peg Smith
back cover of the October 1989 issue, artist is Peg Smith

This issue was edited by Christal Barnes and contains 16 pages.

  • the editor says everyone was too busy to publish a June 1989 issue
  • Springfest '90 may have the following guests: Walter Koenig, Steve Jackson, Michael Scott, and John Bell, it was scheduled for June 1–3, 1990 at the Holiday Inn North on I-55 in Jackson
  • the editor pleads for artwork: "It doesn't have to be spectacular, just as long as we can tell who it's supposed to be!"
  • the editor writes of Springfest '89: "I had a great time and the guests were friendly, fun, and probably certifiable. I was PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE THAT THE POSITION IS OPEN FOR NEXT YEAR. I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN. I worked my tail end off, we appeared on every major television and radio station, the newspaper had several things on us and we still had a poor response from Jacks and surrounding areas. WHERE WERE YOU ALL? Please write me and let me know what we did wrong and what caused so many of our members to not appear."
  • a con report for New Orleans Science-Fiction and Fantasy Society (NOSFFF)
  • a con report for Springfest, see that page
  • a poem by Dianne R. Durham about Springfest
  • five letters from fans who had a great time at Springfest
  • club news, club member news, Star Trek in the news
  • transcript of an interview by Dale Jewell of Walter Koenig
  • a review by Dale Jewell of the movie "Moontrap"
  • "The Question Is: How Much Longer Can They Last? An Analysis by Bill Williams"—examines the Star Trek movie franchise
  • fiction: "A Day in the Life of a Starfleet Marine"—author is Jan Von Schleijar
  • "Klingon Sexual Modes, Or The Agony and the Ecstasy", article by Aubrey Stephens
  • "The USS Enterprise," poem by Chris Smith
  • "Roddenberry Sued! The Shocking Truth," article by John Bell, a parody about how Star Trek is a lot like "The Three Stooges"
  • "Surprising You," poem by Dianne R. Durham, and "For the Teacher," poem by Bill Williams
  • on the back cover, some of the lyrics to "Doctor's Lament," a selection from My Fair Starship