Fear of Immortality

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Title: Fear of Immortality
Author(s): Salazar
Date(s): 1991
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Fear of Immortality is a Bodie/Doyle story by Salazar.

It was published in Chalk and Cheese #8 and is on the ProsLib CD.

Reactions and Reviews

Has anyone else read this fic? It's an AU science fiction Pros story, and since a few people have said they like those I thought I'd post a quick review as I add it to palelyloitering! I enjoyed this! It's based on a universe created by Keith Laumer that includes sel-aware tanks, and the lads are sort of space-adventurers who work together. I think Salazar has got B/D pretty well, and I love that they're so together all through it, just like our lads should be. There's also some h/c, for people who like that sort of thing... *g* [1]


  1. ^ 2009 comments at CI5hq