Father Brown/Flambeau

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Pairing: Father Brown/Flambeau
Alternative name(s): flambrown
Gender category: m/m, slash
Fandom: Father Brown
Canonical?: no
Prevalence: very common
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Father Brown/Flambeau is the slash pairing of the Roman Catholic priest and amateur detective Father Brown and the thief (and later detective) M. Hercule Flambeau in the Father Brown fandom.


The relationship between Father Brown and Flambeau begins when the paths of a thief and an amateur detective priest cross in the midst of a robbery case. A connection of mutual respect and camaraderie thrives from that first meeting culminating in moments where they both save each other's lives in different situations. The interactions between the characters in both Chesterton's short stories and their adaptations led fans to ship them.

In a certain episode of the 2013 series, Father Brown and Flambeau have to share a bed, sleeping together and starring in scenes that reflected a couple. Which led many fans to feel like they were being treated to a possible canon of their ship.

There are currently 53 fanfics for the couple on AO3, while on FFN there is only 1 fic published, being a crossposting already found on AO3.

Examples of Fanworks

  • one step closer by McEnchilada, As promised, Flambeau returns Father Brown's umbrella. set after s3e10, "The Judgement of Man" (2018)
  • Endgame by McEnchilada, Getting distracted during chess is nothing unusual, but tonight, they find something new to talk about. (2018)
  • Thick as Thieves by Castello (orphan_account), Dearest Flambeau, I commend your recent excapade and congratulate you on your winnings. Bring the king's jewel to the address enclosed tomorrow at 2:00 or your dear friend, Father Brown, will be delivered to the Kembleford police station with a bullet in his head and your handkerchief in his pocket. Cordially, your biggest fan. (2018)
  • If The Heavens Ever Did Speak by TaraTheMeerkat, Flambeau is here to confess his sins. Father Brown is here to absolve them. (2020)

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