Fanfic Challenge Smorgasbord

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Journal Community
Name: Fanfic Challenge Smorgasbord
Date(s): 2009-2015 (active)
Moderator: sailorhathor
Founder: sailorhathor
Type: Challenge
Fandom: multifandom

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Fanfic Challenge Smorgasbord was a theme community that imported prompt tables from several other communities that were no longer active. It also allowed advertising for other fanfic-related communities. 580 entries and 951 comments were left in the community since 2009.


Have you ever searched for that perfect fanfic challenge only to find...

- That your favorite claim was already taken?

- That the community has not been maintained and/or active since 2006?

- That the community has great prompt tables, but you can't write for their particular theme?

- That the community was perfect in every way except for one rule that spoiled everything for you?


That's why I created fc_smorgasbord.

I promise that I will...

- Allow you to have almost any kind of claim you could want

- Maintain the community, and if I can't, find a suitable replacement

- Try not to create any rules that are stupid, pointless, or self-serving

You can...

- Have a hand in the creation of prompt tables

- (Politely) question any rules you disagree with

- Pimp your fanfic-related community

This comm will also serve as...

- A repository for prompt table ideas I have without me having to create 10 different communities

- A place where you can drop off your prompt tables when you can no longer run your own community

- A place to which you can import prompt tables with mod approval from the other community
