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Fanartivation Interview with Ac1d6urn

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Fanartivation Interview with Ac1d6urn
Interviewee: Ac1d6urn
Date(s): September 4, 2011
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
External Links: online here, Archived version
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Fanartivation Interview with Ac1d6urn was posted to Fanartivation in 2011.

This interview contains examples of the artist's work and their comments about them.

Part of a Series

See: Fanartivation Interviews

Some Excerpts

I like to illustrate fan fiction stories and to draw comics. Usually they're about Snape, or Harry, or both, though I also have a collection of Marauders' comics back from a few years ago. I switched to linux a few years back and am still trying to conquer the world of Free and Open Source graphics programs. There's quite a nice selection of them out there.

I began drawing in my childhood; it was pretty much a constant throughout my life. Fandom did break me out of my shell and prompted me to try writing for the first time, and then try blending any creative outlets into a mixture of drawings and prose, either through fic illustration or comic strips. Harry Potter fandom was also the first one which gave me a chance to create collaborative works.

I like illustrating my favorite fan fiction. It's a way to give back to the authors and show some of the visuals that go through my head when I read. As for the fandoms, my co-writer and I share Harry Potter and Dragon Age fandoms, so that plays a large role in my creative output. In Harry Potter, magic and colorful settings of JKR's world definitely inspire a lot of drawings.

[Fandom has added to my life]: Relaxation, creative challenge, and ongoing inspiration. Without online fandoms, I would have never met my wife, or my best friend, or many kind, interesting, and talented individuals that amaze and inspire me daily. To summarize, I am fandom fan.