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FMA Writers

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Journal Community
Name: FMA Writers
Date(s): 2005-2014
Moderator: evilhippo
Founder: ?
Type: Fanfiction
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
URL: https://fma-writers.livejournal.com/

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FMA Writers was a LiveJournal community for Fullmetal Alchemist writers to share their work and give constructive criticism. As of 2022, there were 718 posts and 267 comments recorded in the community.


1) Friendliness: I'd like this community to be friendly to everyone. Yes, everyone. If someone posts something you don't like, go ahead and tell them, but tell them why. And do it in coherant and useful words. We are, after all, writers, and we should know how to express ourselves properly.

2) Spoilers: If a fic you're posting contains spoilers for anything past the episodes that have aired on Adult Swim, please put a warning. If you're feeling generous, post spoiler warnings for anything.

3) Participation: If possible, try to obey the law of Equivalent Trade. I'd like to have a participation rule, but I know at heart that's unreasonable. If you post fics here for advice though, please contribute to the comments on other fics as well. It all works out much happier that way. ^_^

4) Ratings: If you post a fic that has a rating higher than R (M), I'd prefer that you post it to your own journal, and only link it here (mostly for my own peace of mind as far as TOS goes). This doesn't mean you're not allowed to post NC-17 (MA) fics, but for goodness sake put a nice large warning on them and cut them. I'm not sure what the thing is with using movie ratings now, but if you're familiar with it you might want to consider switching to the Fictionratings.com system, as silly as Ks and Bs seem.

4.5) Pairings: Yaoi, Yuri, Het, total kinky crack, whatever, is allowed as long as it's labelled. The basic rule is just label everything. That way no one is accidentally offended.

4.5b) If you click on something and find yourself offended and it was properly labelled, your complaints will fall on deaf ears (actually, I'll listen if you e-mail me, but don't abuse me, okies?) If it wasn't properly labelled, and I don't notice, bring it up with me or the author, or both.

5) Commenting: Be nice, be concise, be useful. If you don't have anything nice to say, say constructive things against the fic itself, not the author. "You are stupid for writing a Mary Sue" is not a constructive comment. "You are stupid for writing a Mary Sue and this is why," though more useful, is also not the sort of comment I'd like to see.

6) Grain of Salt Clause: Take things in stride. If someone leaves a negative comment, it doesn't mean we hate you, we want you to get better. Nobody's perfect. And you can nitpick what we've written, too.

7) Teasers: Short teasers are fine and even encouraged if you feel that your story doesn't come across in the summary, but be reasonable. Anything longer than about 200 words should be behind an lj-cut.

8) Advertising: You're welcome to advertise your finished and betaed fics here as long as you don't mind a little extra concrit (it never hurts). Advertising for sites and other communities is okay, but it'd be great if you ran it by me first.