Essential Multimedia: Go on, make 'em do it

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News Media Commentary
Title: Essential Multimedia: Go on, make 'em do it
Commentator: Dean Irvine
Date(s): 10-16 June 2002
Venue: The Big Issue (a publication sold on the street in London)
Fandom: multifandom
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Essential Multimedia: Go on, make 'em do it is a short article about fanfic, specifically slash. It includes a Henry Jenkins quote, mention of "Bill and Steve's Excellent Adventure" (a Bill Gates/Steve Jobs article, possibly story), as well as the availability of Sesame Street slash fiction.

This article was reprinted in DIAL #23, a Pros letterzine.


The internet has provided today's media-saavy fans with the means of redesigning the objects of their devotion without fear of censure or condemnation. As more people write and publish slash fiction via webrings such as, or one of the many sites devoted to specific shows, editorial issues within the slash community grow. The reasons for writing slash have long been the subject of academic debate, especially within the context of feminism and gay politics. Initially, slash fiction was largely written by women, for women. It emerged as a means of redefining sexual roles and challenging gender stereotypes.