Eraste's Gift

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Title: Eraste's Gift
Author(s): knityrowndalek
Date(s): 4 September 2006
Length: 1696 words
Genre(s): AU
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Eraste's Gift" by knityrowndalek is a short story based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is a AU splitting off before Chapter Two. Whereas in the novel, Ralph Lanyon had an illicit homosexual affair with Hazell, one of the other students at his school, as a result of which he is expelled, in "Eraste's Gift" he decides against it, and hence graduates on schedule.


Ralph is meeting Hazell in the prop room with the intent of making his first sexual approach but, spotting a look of hatred on the other boy's face when they are interrupted by Odell, changes his mind. Three years later, as an undergraduate at Cambridge, he learns of a scandal at the school...involving Hazell and Odell.


According to the Author's Notes:

I've had to name the school, for dramatic purposes, and because a made-up named seemed "wrong" I've opted for Marlborough, since I've just finished re-reading the Sweetman biography of Renault and I know that Mary was employed as Matron there.


"Eraste's Gift" received a number of comments, including:

  • '"[...] thanks for contributing...will be rethinking this one all're right - a big change to tackle and you've done it justice..."—comment by my_cnnr
  • "Very interesting idea, and I really like the changes. I'm kind of an AU slut, I fear. Of course, what I really want to do is ask you to carry it through, into the war and what is different for each of them..."—comment by lorie945