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Title: Equity
Author(s): Joyce Yasner
Date(s): 1977
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Equity is a Star Trek: TOS story by Joyce Yasner.

It was published in the print zine Interphase #4.

Reactions and Reviews

'Equity' is an interesting Kraith story and coupled with Susan Armstrong is the issue's second best offering. [1]

A Kraith-type story, with the usual Big-Brother, controlling and rigid Vulcan society which seems all out of kilter to me. A married couple and a young man have inadvertently missed the Affirmation and are therefore cast out of any meaningful role in society. The single young man is expected to die in pon farr, but the wife rescues him; therefore, society sees them as such a threat that it sentences them all to be sterilized. (Huh? Where's the logic?) They seek asylum with the Terran embassy. [2]
