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Name: Epilogue
Owner/Maintainer: Chad Lockwood and the Epilogue team
Dates: 1998 – 2020
Type: Artist community and gallery
Fandom: Original fantasy, sci-fi, anime, and horror
URL: epilogue.net, Archived version
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Epilogue.net was an online art community and gallery with a focus on fantasy and sci-fi art. It also accepted "anime-themed" art[1] and later expanded to include other genres.

It was a juried art gallery with strict acceptance criteria.[2][3]

The site officially prohibited fanart as "copyright infringement"[4][5] but featured a separate Lord of the Rings gallery starting in 2001,[1] and art for other fantasy fandoms was on the site up to its closure. (For example, Jenny Dolfen's Epilogue gallery included LOTR, Harry Potter, and A Song of Ice and Fire characters.[6])

Epilogue was represented at Dragon*Con in 2003, where they offered a fantasy CD-ROM for purchase.[7]

The site was officially closed in 2020. One user noted in 2015 that already "Epilogue [had] been in the process of dying for years."[8]

Fan Comments

Nassima described her Epilogue gallery as featuring:

Original fantasy and book illustrations including the Harry Potter books, only the best -the more profesionnal?- I could do, according to the very nitpicky demanding mods there... All of the pieces there were originally uploaded in this LJ, but some had to undergo digital changes to make perspective, anatomy or lighting more correct.[9]


  1. ^ a b Epilogue.net. Welcome to the Art Section, archived 14 December 2001 by the Wayback Machine.
  2. ^ Epilogue.net. About Epilogue, archived 12 June 2013 by the Wayback Machine.
  3. ^ Subject: Anti-Poser People :(!!!, Archived version. Comments posted 25 August 2003 – 9 June 2004.
  4. ^ Epilogue.net. Reject Reasons FAQ, archived 24 February 2004 by the Wayback Machine.
  5. ^ Art Section FAQ, archived 5 March 2003 by the Wayback Machine.
  6. ^ Epilogue.net. Jenny Dolfen (goldseven) Art Gallery, archived 29 October 2019 by the Wayback Machine. HP art example, archived 20 March 2007.
  7. ^ Daily Dragon staff on Daily Dragon Online. Epilogue Exposes Artists, Archived version, posted 30 August 2003.
  8. ^ Comment by jflasher on aridante's DeviantArt post Epilogue.net -- Inaccessible?, Archived version, 17 February 2015.
  9. ^ nassima - Profile, Archived version on LiveJournal. (Accessed 3 July 2024.)