Enough (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Enough
Author(s): Xasphie
Date(s): 2005
Genre: gen
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: here
(via Wayback Jan 18/08)

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Enough is a gen Sentinel story by Xasphie.

Reactions and Reviews

Brilliant characterization makes this story a pleasure to read. This author's Jim and Blair is wonderfully written; two strong men who make the occasional astronomically stupid mistake but trust each other beyond anything. Particularly towards the end of Part Two, the dialogue and relationship between Jim and Blair just rings true. A gen story, 'Enough' describes the kind of friendship between the two men that drew us into the TV show in the first place and made us believe these two men belong together.

There is also excellent use of the supporting cast, who also come across as very authentic in their portrayal. Really, aside from one sentence which contained a term that didn't hit my ears as American sounding (H calls Rafe a 'whinge-bag', and there's not a man born in America that would have said that - they'd have said crybaby, lol) every bit of the dialogue sounds 'real'. There is backchat in here that will make you laugh out loud and feel like you're really listening to it.

If there's going to be another LMFA award, this story is going to be nominated. *wink* You heard it here first. I will add that it's on a Geocities page and the bandwidth ain't the greatest (I got a Geocities page myself, and I know) so take that into consideration when you go read. If you get a 'try again later' notice, do plan to go back later or you'll be missing out, IMO.[1]


  1. ^ a rec at TS Fresh Air