Emu is a meme

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Title: Emu is a meme
Author(s): neckspike
Date(s): 2017-10-13
Length: 4413 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Kamen Rider Ex-Aid
External Links: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12287829

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Statement by Author:

This is still really special to me because I'd never really been comfortable writing and sharing a fanfic before. I'd recently gotten into toku and was braindumping on Twitter and some very nice people encouraged me to flesh out those ideas more into some fic. This is the first one in a non chronological series kind of fleshing out what I want for the characters post show, and how I think Bugsters actually work. Takahashi left a lot ambiguous so it's my playground now.

I accidentally posted it with the working title, having meant to come up with a better one and then having a brainfart. It got an encouraging amount of engagement and I made some great friends.

I took a gay little man and gave him a problem. The problem is he didn't know his codependent Digimon has a job (and also may have committed a little light fraud.)

Emu and Parad and the fucked up relationship they have, being parts parent/child, sibling to sibling, and host/parasite is absolutely fascinating. They're both really gripping characters in their own right and I like to see elements of my own experiences with ADHD, ego death, and anxiety in Parad as he grapples with how he can fit into the human world in a non-destructive way.