Embrace the Night

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Title: Embrace the Night
Publisher: Midnight Press
Editor(s): Anita Hoosen
Date(s): May 1991
Medium: print
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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Embrace the Night is a 206-page het Beauty and the Beast (TV) anthology.

front cover, Lisa Stubblefield
back cover, Sue Abbott

The stories and poems are by Anita M. Hooson, Debbie Ristick, M. Sue Waugh, Jess Davis, MariLynn, Sharon Wells, Kay Simon, and others.

The art is by Sue K, Lisa Stubblefield, J. Ley, Susan Abbott, Jackie Kapke, Diane Leva, Kathy Palumbo, Bruce Holroyd, Pam Tuck, and Amy Bechtel.


Catherine's breath caught in her throat as the flickering torches alternately illuminated and shadowed the man standing with his head bent, his face hidden in a curtain of tawny mane. He was stripped down to his breeches, a thick white towel tucked under one muscular arm as he seemed to struggle with the fastening on his belt. For a moment, it surprised her that he seemed unaware of her presence, but then, there was no doubt his recent illness had resulted in the impairment of their bond. "That too," she thought, "we will heal. [1]

Stories and poetry. All Classic, mostly 1st and 2nd season. Several consummation stories; one alternate 3rd season story, "Embrace the Night," by Anita Hoosen and Debbie Ristick. [2]

Items for Sale

From the zine:

OF RELATED INTEREST: Prints of the "Vincent" portrait by Bruce Holroyd appearing in No More Need to Hide may be ordered from MariLynn, Midnight Press, PO Box 25935, Colorado Springs, CO 80936-5935. The prints are 8xl0, on glossy, heavy-weight photographic paper. They are $8.00 including postage. Susan Abbot, whose work appears at the end of Embrace the Night is offering a variety of beautiful B&B crosstitch [sic] patterns and an prints. For further information, send SASE to Susan Abbott, [address redacted]. The well known fan J. Ley, offers several B&B items. Send SASE to J. Ley, [address redacted]. If you are interested in any other artist's work appearing in Embrace the Night, we will be happy to forward a SASE to the appropriate party.

From the Editorials

By Debbie:

In September of 1987 we were blessed with a piece of magic. I envy all of you who witnessed it from its beginning, for alas, I did not. I joined you at the beginning of Season 2, and since then, there could never be enough. I've come to love Beauty and the Beast so much, probably more than is humanly reasonable. Even now, over a year after its cancellation, it's very much a part of me, for like all of you, I buy too many zines, too much money going to conventions, and agonize over circumstances I have absolutely no control over.

It was with great trepidation this venture between Anita and I was undertaken, and I sincerely hope our effort touches you -- it is meant to. Love is a wonderful, sometimes fearful emotion, something I have enjoyed, and endured. I understand Vincent, I think, and know his suffering. Being different in any way causes you to appreciate these kinds of things, the kind of things your heart cannot help but lose itself to. It makes me love the whole idea of Beauty & The Beast with a tenderness I didn't know I possessed. For me, there will always be Vincent. For this fandom. I hope there will always be heartfelt devotion and pure love, and when Ron Koslow does more than just discuss the money he'll need to do his movie. the wishes and dreams of all of us are answered.

The darkness of night can control us with its unknowns, the networks can bounce us around like rubber balls and yo-yos, but within ourselves there is strength, there is a united spirit that will not be crushed. Let them sit in their plush offices and believe tile)' control the world. Let them believe we have quieted our pleas...for in night's obscurity there are many things to see, many stories to tell. and in the magic of the Tunnels you learn another truth: To Embrace the Night....

With love and Hope,

From Anita:

Debbie expressed my feelings as well (in particular the part about agonizing over something you have absolutely no control over!) so I'll just leap headlong into some long overdue Thanks to some very special people.

Thank you, Debbie, my co-conspirator and partner, for your inspiration and unflagging support. Wlien I was beating my head against a brick wall, when the words would not come and I was cursing the cursor, you helped to shed some light on the darkplaces.

Thank you, Marge, my co-worker, for your sympathetic ear and your understanding heart. For three years you've put up with my obsession and allowed me to vent all those multi-colored emotions that "Beauty & The Beast" raised in me. You heard about it all: the almost unbearable joy (did you see the way he looked at her??), the giddy happiness (how romantic! how heart-breakingly beautiful!), the sweet frustration (why don't they KISS!?) the bitter betrayal (they killed her) and darkest despair (Cancelled!!). So, for every time the phone rang at work and you had to answer it because I was sneaking some B&B artic1e thiough the copy machine, I thank you.

Thank you, Shirley, and once again Marge, for helping me design the flyers for Embrace the Night. Lord knows I needed help!

I saved the last thank-you for you, Kathy, my friend. What can I say to you? We are so alike in mind and heart that I think we must truly be soul-sisters. Remember our first meeting at the San Jose convention? It was so good to fmaily be able to share all my and dreams and fears with someone who truly understood. How can I thank you for being there (at the opposite end of the United States and in a different time zone) after TLBL and WS? You understood and shared in the agony, somehow making the unbearable bearable.

Thank you.

Be Well.


  • Editor's Lettes (4)
  • Stanzas to Augusta by Lord Byron (6)
  • Trust in Dreams by Debbie Ristick (reprinted in Denying the Dark) (7)
  • Someday by Amy Bechtel (9)
  • Vincent's Wish, Catherine's Wish, two poems by Anita M. Hooson (22)
  • No More Need to Hide, poem by Anita M. Hooson and J. Ley (23)
  • Nightsong, poem by MariLynn (38)
  • A Collection of Vignettes by Karen Witkowski (39)
  • A Joining of Worlds, poem by Sharon Wells (42)
  • Fear Not the Truth by Debbie Ristick (43)
  • Bridges, poem by MariLynn (76)
  • The Tapestry Weavers by Jess Davis (48)
  • Last Questions, poem by MariLynn (76)
  • Hope by Donna Vasquez (77)
  • Yearnings, poem by Karen Witkowski (85)
  • When Dreams are Not Enough by MariLynn (86)
  • Twin Shadows, poem by Sharon Wells (91)
  • Lionheart, poem by Sue K (92)
  • Of Hearts that Trust by Anita Hooson (93)
  • A Wonderful Life to Share by Jackie Kapke (125)
  • Bodycount, poem by Kay Simon (127)
  • Possibilities, poem by Debbie Ristick (128)
  • Transitions by M. Sue Waugh (129)
  • For Always by Debbie Ristick (reprinted in Denying the Dark) (134)
  • Silver Days, Ebon Nights, poem by Anita M. Hooson (138)
  • From the One Behold, poem by Kay Simon (139)
  • Elusive Lover, poem by MariLynn (140)
  • Gestures by Donna Vasquez (141)
  • Embrace the Night, poem by Anita M. Hooson (146)
  • Embrace the Night by Anita Hooson and Debbie Ristick(147)

