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Title: Electricity
Author(s): Lady Ra
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Wars
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Electricity is a Han/Luke story by Lady Ra.

Reactions and Reviews

Police Captain Han Solo reluctantly turns to a psychic for help in solving a crime.

I have a confession to make: if this fic had been a movie, I’d have probably been glued to the edge of my seat for most of it. That might seem like a strange thing to confess but this fic has all the makings of a good mystery/thriller, even despite of the fact that it’s pretty easy to figure out whodunit thanks to the characters involved. On the same thread, Lady Ra does an awesome job of keeping all the characters in-character and the universe familiar, with the Force being a very real, very tangible thing, that Luke uses to help track down our criminal.

Overall, I have to say that if you’re a fan of a good mystery or just enjoy Star Wars like I do, give this one a try. You definitely won’t regret it.[1]


  1. ^ rec by slyprentice at Epic Recs, March 16, 2012