Drowning (Forever Knight story)

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See Drowning for articles with a similar title.

Title: Drowning
Author(s): Gryphonrhi aka Rhi aka Rhiannon
Date(s): c. 2006
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: AO3 copy

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Drowning is a Forever Knight story by Rhi in which LaCroix wakes underwater, and realizes that someone has tried to murder him.

The story was written for the "Blast From the Past" challenge, in which a recent challenge is applied to an older fandom.

Reactions and Reviews

Rhi pulls off a perfect LaCroix voice here, all purry and cool and precise, not to mention possessive and controlling and manipulative. Everything he does is note-perfect -- the whole thing is short, but fabulous. If you like LaCroix, give this one a shot.[1]

This chilling interlude of villain-on-villain carnage characterizes Lacroix with thorough canonical resonance—cruel, possessive, territorial, clever—in a third-season context, out of Nick's sight, untethered by the agreement about "mindless killing" invading Nick's life. Lacroix's retaliation is elegantly repulsive.[2]

On-line History

"Drowning" was originally on-line on Rhiannon's Eyrie (the author's personal website) at http://rhi.moonlit-eyrie.com/stories/drowning.html. It is now available on AO3.
