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Title: Drought
Author(s): PFL
Date(s): 1997
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: Drought

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Drought is a Starsky/Hutch story by PFL.

It was published in Cold Pizza and Butterfly Bones and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Unknown Date

Very short, but incredibly effective tale of Hutch's reaction to Starsky's first day back at work after Gunther's hit.[1]


Why this must be read: This is a story in the Cold Pizza and Butterfly Bones zine. OK, the most simple plotline that means the most of most any other story I read. On the day Starsky was to return to duty after Gunther, Hutch was supposed to pick him up. He simply turned right instead of left and the story goes from there. In a diner down the coast, Hutch is working through who he is and what it means to have Starsky back on duty and in his life. [2]


I really enjoyed this story, the imagery and every single detail about both Hutch and Starsky. "Because he lived" made my heart ache, and the idea behind "did you think you were unique" has an amazing depth for so few lines given to it. It feels both unique and entirely, utterly real, the way people really act when caught in situations too big or complex for their hearts to hold it all, or reconcile things between their hearts and minds. Marge is a wonderful POV character.


This really is an incredibly affecting fic, and I'm so grateful you shared it. I don't usually come away from fics with very visual images, but you layered so much into that moment in the rain, it's really sticking with me. [3]


Finishing this for probably the hundredth time and I have to tell you how much I absolutely love this story. It’s one I come back to time and time again I just love it so much! [4]


I am SO bad. I have adored this since I first read it and have since re-read it over and over again. It *has* to be - without a doubt - one of the most moving things I've ever read in my 40 years as a reader and writer in fandom. I have no idea why I haven't told you this but I've just read yet again it is so powerful that it never loses its impact. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such a beautiful story! Big Thank You Hug!! XX

Hello! Oh, gosh, thank you. This story, when I wrote it, really took over my brain. I wanted to find a way that, for me, really felt like Hutch makes me feel in the last season, and especially in "Sweet Revenge". His love for Starsky is clear, but what that means, what he's feeling about his career, what life will be...I just feel like those ideas are part of why we see him behaving differently in the last season than in the earlier ones. Anyway, this story was an approach towards that, and the forever connection between Starsky and Hutch, of course. The weather, for me, helps represent how humans deal with conflicting, uncertain ideas, until resolution finally comes. Anyway, I am so glad you have enjoyed this story! Thank you for letting me know--it lit up my day. (To be honest, I am dealing with terminal brain cancer, alas. I restarted work, because it was important to me, but that won't last longer than a semester, perhaps. And then I hope to still have time to seriously get back to writing, at least for as long as possible. It helps so much to find someone really enjoyed one of my stories--thank you! I do hope to write another S&H story, down the road.)[5]
