Do You See Me/I See You

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Title: Do You See Me/I See You
Author(s): ReminiscentLullaby
Date(s): June 1, 2020
Length: 12,654 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links: fic, archived vers.
art, archived vers.
Fic banner by Belasalata

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Do You See Me/I See You is a GabeNath fanfiction written for the GabeNath Mini Bang. It is rated T for Teen, with the Archive warning No Archive Warnings Apply. The fic was beta-read by DragonGirl180 and art was provided by Belasalata.

Fic Info

Additional Tags

  • Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Character Study, Falling In Love, Angst, Grief/Mourning, gabenath mini bang, gabenath mini bang 2020


Nathalie has always tried to hide. Gabriel has always seen her anyway. They are two souls orbiting a common pain like binary stars, burning through the dark to realize they are not alone.

The only way to make sense of this lonely vacuum is to drift through it together.


By July 2020, Do You See Me/I See You had 26 comments, the majority of which were positive. A few are included below:

Every aspect of this work is so beautifully crafted.

The language is so impactful (particularly in the scenes of emotional and physical anguish). Every phrase, every word feels meaningful. And I especially admire the structure. It’s a bit hard for me to put into words, but their POVs structured in a way that treats them both as equals – independent, but still interconnected on a deeper level. This format works really well, and the titles add a lot to the episodes. I regularly scrolled back to them after finishing each part.

The way the well motif developed is really remarkable. The first opposition is very strong, especially if you remember that when the sponge dries up, it dies; when the well dries up, you dig it deeper. It’s quite clear why more open and extraverted Emilie gravitates to the former in her understanding of Nathalie, while more introverted Gabriel comes up with the latter. But what’s the most remarkable is the way it returns near the end as “a well of light.” I genuinely wasn’t expecting that, but it read so organically I didn’t even fully realize that “runs so deep” – “like a well” – “a well of light” is a complete inversion. This is just beautiful.

I liked the characterizations a lot, not only Gabriel’s and Nathalie’s, but Emilie’s as well. She is obviously flawed, but she seems very human in her mistakes.

I wanted to say a lot more than I ended up saying, but still. This is a wonderful piece and I’m glad I read it. Thank you very much for your work!


There is nothing more to say but I love it! The details tugged at our hearts giving us all this mixed emotions.

This kind of characterizations always reminded me how amazing a kind of person Nathalie is. Even in the show even if they didn't fully show it but we can tell she's an amazing one.
She put the ones she loves first before herself.

And I really like the way you ended the story. It feels like this was what happened after that scene in Miracle Queen. Gabriel is slowly falling for her. I know it. I think we all know it.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Such an outstanding work!


Excuse me while I’ll forever be gushing about this!

This is amazing, like the rest of your works.

The way you represented each character is so well done and realistic, true to the way they are in the show (and this is one of the most important factors for me, when it comes to how much I like a fan story), and your descriptions and some of the wording and phrasing you used are
And, I love the way said descriptions and details set the pace and the atmospheres of the story!

You’re really good at writing. Keep it up!


Ahhhh this was so beautiful and painful at the same time!

I love that you fleshed out all the scenes between episodes and gave it so much more meaning, especially concerning the circumstances of finding the miraculous to the damaged conditions of the peacock holder to Gabriel’s suffering from losing Emilie.
I think my favorite part was Gabriel trying to describe why he disagreed with Emilie’s assessment of Nathalie.
