Djuncan Week

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Name: Djuncan Week
Date(s): 22 - 28 April 2024
Moderator(s): jesterjaxx
Founder: jesterjaxx
Type: Fanweek
Fandom: Total Drama
Associated Community: Total Drama fandom on Tumblr
URL: OK SO DJUNCAN WEEK IS HAPPENING, Archived version on Tumblr
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Djuncan Week was a fanweek held in the Total Drama fandom from April 22nd, 2024 to the 28th. It celebrated the rarepair DJ/Duncan with fanart and fic. The event was SFW and held on primarily on Tumblr. It is unknown as of July 19th, 2024 if the event will be ran in the coming years.

Before the fanweek started, jesterjaxx got the flu, so she wasn't able to make fanworks for all seven days.[1]

Prompts & Fanworks

Day One: Crush Realization/ First Date


Day Two: Pets/Movie Night


Day Three: Halloween/Christmas


Day Four: Future/Role Swap


Day Five: Cooking/Carving


Day Six: AU/Angst


Day Seven: Free Day


References/Further Reading