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Title: Distinction
Author(s): Molly
Date(s): August 2000
Genre(s): het fanfiction
Fandom(s): X-Men Movieverse
External Links: Distinction

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Distinction is a Wolverine/Rogue story by Molly.

Summary: Rogue has a candle, a personality, and a couple chats with Logan. Rated PG.

Recs and Reviews

For something a little gentler in the W/R genre, try this short but charming Rogue character piece. I'm a sucker for authors who get their characters down, and Molly's Rogue and Logan make the buds of romance seem both right and real.[1]


  1. ^ Cori Lannam. Cori Lannam's Mild-Mannered Recommendations Page - Year 2000 Recs, 17 October 2000. (Accessed 16 April 2016)