Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson

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Gen Relationship
Relationship: Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson
Alternative name(s):
Fandom: DC Comics, Teen Titans
Type: Sometimes frenemies
Canonical?: It's always complicated
Prevalence: Average
See also: See Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson for the slash equivalent.
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Dick Grayson & Slade Wilson refers to the various platonic or gen interpretations fans have of the characters. Dick Grayson and Slade Wilson have interacted canonically in DC Comics and in various related fannish source texts. Some fans particularly enjoy a frenemy relationship between the two characters.


In the Teen Titans animated series, Slade blackmails Robin (Dick Grayson) into serving as his apprentice.



Fans have many ways to interpret the dynamic between the characters, ranging from fluff to darkfic. Some enjoy hurt/comfort where Slade Wilson shows a soft spot to his enemy, or isn't really that much of an enemy anyways. A few fics exist where Dick Grayson is raised by Wilson. Others explore Dick Grayson interacting with Slade in a darker AU where he is Talon or Slade's apprentice.

Example Fanworks


This oneshot was tagged by the author as #When You And Your Nemesis Are Going Through The Motions #But The Motions Are Torture
  • Once More With Feeling by JenicaKing, wherein Slade tries to manipulate a vulnerable Dick into serving as his apprentice. (2020)
