Deeply With Reason

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Title: Deeply With Reason
Author(s): Azpou
Length: 32K
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
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Deeply With Reason is a Jack/Daniel story by Azpou.

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The author's summary for this story reads: "The beginning of the end". Set at the beginning of Daniel's "dream" in Absolute Power, the events of the story mark a turning point in Jack and Daniel's relationship. There's not much plot; essentially, what begins as a lovemaking session takes a much darker turn as Daniel discovers he enjoys having power over Jack.

What is there to say about this? It's very hot, very intense and very unsettling. The reader is efficiently drawn in to Daniel's power trip, and the end, when Daniel begins to regret what he has done, is very well drawn. The act is technically consensual - at least, at no point does Jack say no - but it comes across to this reader as rape, or very close to it. Daniel isn't making love to Jack; he's using him.

From a technical standpoint...well, that's for the reader to judge. For me, the story has a whole lot of things I dislike. It's written in third person restricted point of view (POV): in other words it's tightly in Daniel's POV. While that's not a bad thing on its own, in a story of this nature I want to know what's going on in Jack's head during the action. Even in the restricted POV there are ways the author could have given the reader a hint...does Jack struggle at all? Does he enjoy the submission? Is he aware of Daniel's thoughts at all? But all those things are absent. It's also written in the present tense, a technique that's very difficult to use effectively, and for me, it doesn't work here.

I really wanted to like this story. It has elements I normally seek out: Dom!Daniel; kinky sex; some real intensity; and it's well written, in terms of grammar and spelling. But it also hits too many of the things that make me reach for the delete button: Absolute Power being one; the present tense; and the lack of involvement on the part of the submissive partner. I came away with the impression that Jack might as well have been an inflatable doll, and even in the "evil dream" context, I can't see that as a valid characterisation of Daniel.

Would I recommend it to others? If fisting stories are your thing, absolutely (pun intended). If you enjoy realistic BDSM, probably. If it's a loving relationship you're looking for...take my advice and look elsewhere.[1]
