Deephollow Delver

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Title: Deephollow Delver
Publisher: Middle-Earth Marionettes and Story-Tellers (Stony Run, PA)
Editor(s): Carl and Patricia Odher
Date(s): 1981
Medium: print
Fandom: Tolkien
Language: English
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Deephollow Delver is a gen Tolkien one-shot zine. The Middle-Earth Marionettes and Story-Tellers are a travelling troupe. From the introduction, this is: "a publication written by hobbits. Riddles, truths, and new ideas, like small jewels, are hidden among its pages, which offer challenge and humor. Special crafts, music, and games are included." This zine includes a Bilbo paper doll.

On the cover: "Throughout our travels as performers, we have met many wonderful people. The Deephollow Delver is our way of sharing with you some of what we know about the delightful lands of Middle-earth. It is with great fondness that we dedicate this delver to you - our friends everywhere."