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Title: Debts
Author(s): Susan Cutter
Date(s): 1998
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Debts is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by Susan Cutter.

It was published in Fire and Ice #4.

Reactions and Reviews

A darker story, centring around a rather twisted and nasty view of Avon's sexuality and his relationships with Gan and Blake (set just after Pressure Point). Veeerrrry interesting. Actually, the psychological bits left me a bit unpersuaded, but - if you can accept the premise - both men are well portrayed, especially Blake, whose cheerful and unabashed twisting of the situation at the end is a wonderful touch...[1]

This fic makes the somewhat outrageous claim that Gan was sexually interested in Avon (because everyone is?). As for the fic itself, it's very good, very interesting. Yes, it's about a kink that isn't exactly mine, but that kink is used specifically to talk about character relationships, and not in the obvious power dynamics sense that so many of us are drawn to.[2]
