Dark Side of the Glass (Forever Knight story)

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Title: Dark Side of the Glass
Author(s): Jean Graham
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: DSotG at the author site
DSotG at Nancykam.com

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Dark Side of the Glass is a Forever Knight story by Jean Graham.

Reactions and Reviews

...this one [falls] into the ever-popular (but hard to do well) "Schanke learns Nick is a vampire" category. Schanke is often portrayed in fanfic as a borderline buffoon, and though he often played the comic relief on the show, he was also a cop, and (as Nick said in at least onoe episode) a *good* cop. So it's nice to run across a story that shows Schanke's level-headed, capable side -- maybe a little TOO level-headed at times, but generally in character. Certain aspects of the story seem a bit glossed-over -- Schanke sometimes appears to be dealing with this a bit *too* well -- and there's one credibility-stretching scene in which Janette is easily overcome by a human vampire hunter. Vampires are stronger than humans, faster than humans, with supernaturally sharp senses, and Janette has had many centures of experience at avoiding pursuit -- I really can't buy the idea of a human being able to sneak up on her and overwhelm her, on her home turf no less. But overall, this is a good story with some nice h/c and character moments.[1]



  1. ^ "Forever Knight fanfic recs/reviews". Archived from the original on 2022-05-03.