Dark Side of Today

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Title: Dark Side of Today
Author(s): lonewonderslove
Date(s): April 25, 2011
Length: 26,000 ca (10 chapters)
Genre(s): Horror, Violence, Incest, character death
Fandom(s): Wizards of Waverly Place
External Links: Dark Side of Today Masterpost (LJ)
Dark Side of Today (FFN)

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Dark Side of Today is a Justin/Alex fic written for the Apocalyptic Big Bang Challenge.


A deadly virus outbreak decimates the Wizard World and sweeps through the mortal world, killing those with magic and turning mortals into monsters. Justin and Alex will need to find strength in each other if they and their small band of friends are to survive. “The world might be ending, but all I need is you.”
Pairings: A little Justin/Alex, some Zeke/Harper, hints of T.J./Gigi
Characters: Justin, Alex, Max, Harper, Zeke, T.J., Gigi, Mr. Laritate

Writer's Notes

" I worked really hard on this, but I still feel like it needs more work, haha. But I love it, anyway. I hope you guys do too! I kept adding more details right up until posting, so let me know if I missed any errors. Thanks for reading!"

A fanmix for the fic was created by lone_wolf.


"OH man I love this. Great job. OH MAN I WANT MORE ... lol. Can't wait for the sequels great story."[1]

"Zomg this is awesome and well plotted and paced. I like how you've set up a couple mysteries for them to solve in the midst of the overarcing adventure/survival story. ZOMBIE DYSTOPIA. for the win."[2]

"That was a good read. I love zombie movies so this was my cup of tea. Some things had me wanting to bang my head against a wall though, particularly Justin giving his gun to Laritate, and Justin and Alex randomly kissing twice throughout the story and never mentioning anything about it or detailing their reactions to it. Kissing your sibling isn't really the type of thing that just happens with no reaction haha."[3]

"This is truly amazing. I read it all in one night and just...wow. Everything flows perfectly so it doesn't feel forced or fake. The characters are perfectly in their own personalities, and just...love it!"[4]


  1. ^ dhfreak. Comment. April 27, 2011. (Accessed March 6, 2015)
  2. ^ taira602. Comment. May 10, 2011. (Accessed March 6, 2015)
  3. ^ knuckles313. Comment. May 1, 2011. (Accessed March 6, 2015)
  4. ^ The Red Hoodie. Comment on Chapter 10 @ FFN. May 28, 2011. (Accessed March 6, 2015)