Daring the Sea

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Title: Daring the Sea
Author(s): Bistokidsfan
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: online here

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Daring the Sea is a Bodie/Doyle story by Bistokidsfan.

It was written for the_safehouse LiveJournal "Chicken and Egg" challenge (keywords: "Bodie" and "scissors").

Reactions and Reviews

I know I've recced this before, elsewhere, but it came up while I was randoming at Circuit Archive over coffee, and I still like it alot... *g* I love that it's a story for grown-ups too - Bistokidsfan doesn't tell us anything, she shows us all the way, and although it doesn't get into complexities we know that everyone concerned is dealing with proper, grown-up situations and emotions and psyches...[1]

Thanks for the rec. I liked this when it was first posted, and it gets better with re-reading.

I enjoy: - the way Tommy and Murphy are there and at the end they become a four man fireteam taking their injured comrade to safety. - the minimal exposition - reader has to work it out herself

How do you read "Not the first couple of times" and the wrist bandage? For me it reads like Bodie tried to escape once, then tried to kill himself (the bandage). And when Ray and the others find him he's considering a second attempt at suicide, but Ray draws him back with love.[2]

Thank you for the rec! I hadn't read this. I could (and to myself will *g*) quibble about errors and typos and a bit too much telling in places that (for me) deflates the intensity, but I agree entirely that it deals with adult situations and emotions, which is wonderfully refreshing. It's real when you read it, and that's the sign of a successful story, isn't it? It also leaves you with complex emotions--there are no easy answers; there's damage here, but the lads' connection trumps all. Very nice! [3]

I like the style and the way some things are left to the reader to interpret, like the wrist bandage and the scissors.[4]

This story really draws you in. I have read it before and enjoyed it just as much, if not more, this time around.

How tragic it is to see Bodie so lost and broken but then Doyle, who overcomes his fears, calmly manages to bring him back from the brink.

But ... never once did I consider that Bodie had self-harmed! As he admitted to being tied down, I presumed he injured his wrists trying to escape and that he only succeeded the third time because he managed to get hold of the surgical shears.

Oh, I can be so naive. *g*

I'll just have to read it again with this interpretation in mind.[5]


  1. ^ Prosfic Rec by byslantedlight, 2010
  2. ^ comment by kiwisue at Prosfic Rec by byslantedlight, 2010
  3. ^ comment by msmoat at Prosfic Rec by byslantedlight, 2010
  4. ^ comment by cloudless 9193 at Prosfic Rec by byslantedlight, 2010
  5. ^ comment by cornishcat at Prosfic Rec by byslantedlight, 2010