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Title: Danger
Author(s): Lily Fulford
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
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Danger is a 2-page Bodie/Doyle story by Lily Fulford.

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In this tale Doyle, while supposedly following up on a tip-off and searching a warehouse, is apparently apprehended by two crooks who take it in turns to rape him, and gain an unwilling response from him. I use the words "supposedly" and "apparently" because all is not as it seems. In the last 16 lines we learn that the "rapists" are Murphy and Bodie, both seemingly loves of Doyle whose idea it was to play out that scenario while searching the warehouse after the real crooks had been arrested.

I wasn't sure if it was a case of Doyle having two lovers, or if it was a full-scale menage-a-trois. Whatever was intended, I dislike the idea of B and D with anyone but each other, even Murphy. And I found the idea totally unrealistic -- that Cowley's three top agents would indulge themselves in this way with him outside, or even if he wasn't!

The twist-n-the-tail was the only good point in this story. [1]


  1. ^ from Be Gentle With Us #5 (1992)