Cultural Exchange (Stargate Atlantis story by lamardeuse)

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Title: Cultural Exchange
Author(s): lamardeuse
Date(s): 2010
Length: Words:10879
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: at AO3

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Cultural Exchange is a McShep story by lamardeuse.

Reactions and Reviews

Woolsey wants to designate some free time for “creative pursuits”. Rodney is completely dismissive, until Woolsey orders him to participate, leading Rodney to get guitar lessons from John. They have such a great relationship here, very intense. I love that these private lessons add a whole new dimension to their relationship. They touch more, and become very aware of each other. John is patient and sweet; Rodney is uncertain and doesn’t really understand what’s going on between him and John, but it all ends happily, and there are so many great scenes between them. [1]

Oh my God, this was so cute. It’s a pretty slick move, teaching Rodney to play the guitar. I feel so sorry for little Rodney being used like that in his parents efforts to one up each other. I think they might have scarred Woolsey by thanking him though.[2]
