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Crystal Constellation

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Title: Crystal Constellation
Publisher: Crystal Constellation Press
Editor(s): Linda Rossi & Sarah Thompson
Date(s): June 1984
Medium: print
Genre: gen, probably het
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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front cover by Gayle F

Crystal Constellation is a gen and het PG-R rated one-shot Star Trek: TOS anthology of fiction with all fiction written by the editors. It is approximately 100 pages (the zine contains no page numbers).

inside illo, artist is Shona Jackson

One of the stories is an Sarek/Amanda fic.

The front cover is by Gayle F. There is at least one interior illo by Shona Jackson.


  • The Reunion, fiction
  • Scanners, poem
  • Of Beauty and Blood, fiction
  • McCoy, poem
  • How To Be a Good Starship Captain
  • The Fatal Spark, a script (Bones has always stayed out of trouble with the help of Kirk and Spock. Suddenly, he mysteriously disappears, and both the Captain and Vulcan are beginning to panic. They have no clues until Kirk receives a message from the local police saying they have found a body with a 'fleet communicator. It could be McCoy.) (47 pages)
  • What Might Have Been, poem
  • If I Had Known, fiction (When Kirk had committed his friend to the genesis of a new world, he had accepted Spock's death. Now it is a year later and he is confronted with a way to see the Vulcan again. The price is too high for even Jim to pay.) (30 pages)
  • Koon-ut-Ka-li-fee, poem
  • Worthy to be Love, fiction
  • The Echo, poem