Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange

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Gift Exchange
Name: Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange
Date(s): 2014, 2017, 2019, 2021
Runs: biannually (once every other year)
Moderator(s): dizzojay, jj1564
Founder: dizzojay
Type: Fic Exchange
Scope: All characters and pairings
Fandom: Supernatural
Associated Community: spn_bigpretzel
URL: crowleys christmas tag at spn_bigpretzel; archive url
"image of Crowley wearing an singed Santa hat and holding a teddy bear surrounded by fire, text reads 'Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange'"
Banner for the 2019 gift exchange
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Crowley's Christmas Fic Exchange was a biannual holiday gift exchange in Supernatural fandom, hosted on the spn_bigpretzel community. it was open to all characters and pairings. Participants had to write a fic with a minimum of 500 words.