Crossroads (The Last of the Wine story)

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Title: Crossroads
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 31 October 2012
Length: 1552 words
Genre(s): backstory
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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Crossroads [1] is a story by fawatson written in response to the Halloween Challenge for that year (prompt: I’ll Haunt You).

After all the customers have left Phaedo slips out of Gurgos’ bathhouse for the night. Guided by Hekate’s familiar, and accompanied by Procne, he finds his sister Philomela, last seen during the siege of Melos. She gives birth to a baby, whom she kills (as she was raped), dies, and is honoured by Phaedo for her heroism. The story attributes this experience to Phaedo’s decision to slip out of the bathhouse the next day leading to him meeting Sokrates (which is canon).

Comments by readers include:

  • It's so beautifully written but yet so devastating. queen_ypolita
  • Oh my. I think that might be the darkest thing you've ever posted here. Think it will haunt *me*!my_cnnr


  1. ^ "Crossroads" by fawatson, posted to maryrenaultfics on 31 October 2012. Accessed 09 January 2013.