Crossing the Line (X-Files story by Jennifer Lyon)

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You may be looking for the X-Files story Crossing the Line by Sharon Nuttycombe.

Title: Crossing the Line
Author(s): Jennifer Lyon
Date(s): 1995
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: online here

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Crossing the Line is an X-Files story by Jennifer Lyon.

It was originally posted to

It was the winner of a 1995 Spooky Award.

Summary: "Mulder/Scully. Picking up at the end of F. Emasculata, this disturbing story examines what might happen when Scully reaches the end of her rope and decides to take action against their enemies."

Author's Notes

PLEASE READ: A long - but necessary Author's Note:

First, I want to say upfront, and for the record, (in light of recent events) - that this story is meant in NO WAY to downplay the deadly seriousness of bombs and their effects. In fact that very seriousness is vital to the story. However, if you are at all sensitive on the subject, I strongly suggest that you skip this story. You are hereby WARNED - so do not flame me if you ignore it.

Second: as well as containing some violence, this story contains adult sexual activity in detail. This is important to the story - but is only a small part of it.

Third: This story will be disturbing! It is meant to be. So again, you are warned in advance. And finally: The episode "One Breath" brings Mulder within the squeeze of a finger from stepping over the edge, but allows Scully, and his love for her, to bring him back. The question I address here is: what happens when it is Scully who is driven past her limits; when it is Scully who is ready to cross the line...