Crisis of the Heart

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Title: Crisis of the Heart
Author(s): name?
Date(s): last updated December 25, 1998
Fandom(s): DC Comics (crossover of many lines)
External Links: GeoCities site (via Wayback)

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Crisis of the Heart was a DC Comics fic that combined many major lines and teams. It was written by an author (name not yet located) with assistance from Mooncat, Eds7466, Brenna, and Omar.

Author's Summary

The Justice League of America. The Justice Society of America. The Titans. Infinity Inc. The Legion of Super Heroes. L.E.G.I.O.N. The All-Star Squadron. The Suicide Squad. The Doom Patrol. The Green Lantern Corps. The New Gods. The elite teams of the DC Universe, containing the greastest heroes ever known. Together they’ve faced everything from universe destoying tyrants to the pettiest of thugs. Now they must face their greatest crisis. Their greatest villains are banding together with a plan of unheard of magnitude and turning the heroes greatest strength into their downfall. The power of their heart. Warning - the following stories contain scenes of an adult nature. There are depictions of female/female and male/male relationships, written a bit more explicitly than most comics allow. If you find any of this offensive, go no further.