Cornwall Gang

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Cornwall Gang is a term which members of the Arthuriana fandom use to refer to two groups of characters. The term first came into use to refer to the Cornish knight Tristan and his friends, possibly originating one @oneshoulderangel's Tumblr, though this cannot be determined. It was later applied to Cador of Cornwall and his friends. To differentiate, they may be referred to as the Greater and Lesser Cornwall Gangs, but this also can lead to confusion, since some assume that Lesser Cornwall Gang refers to the more obscure members of the Greater Cornwall Gang.

Greater Cornwall Gang


Best-known Members

Other Members

In Fandom

The most common ship is the canon ship Trisolde (Isolde/Tristan), but it is also fairly common to see Isolde/Palamedes/Tristan and occasionally Dinadan/Palamedes as a QPR. Rarer ships include Brangaine/Palamedes, Brangaine/Isolde, or Brangaine/Iseult Blancmains.

Lesser Cornwall Gang


Primary Members

Secondary Members

In Fandom

The Lesser Cornwall Gang is fairly obscure in the Arthurian fandom and may be best remembered for Cador and Ydain being the parents of Constantine, who succeeds Arthur as King of Britain in multiple texts, including the Historia Regum Britanniae and Le Morte D'Arthur.