Chronicle X Interview with LuvMulder

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Chronicle X Interview with LuvMulder
Interviewer: uncredited
Interviewee: LuvMulder
Date(s): likely 2000
Medium: online
Fandom(s): X-Files
External Links: interview is here; copy
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Chronicle X Interview with LuvMulder was conducted in 2000 by the Chronicle X archive.

Some Excerpts

[My work is] Angsty genfic. Noromo with UST. I have a blast putting Mulder and Scully into challenging situations and letting them demonstrate how they'll save themselves. I should mention that certain friends (who shall remain nameless <g>) delight in telling me that I write shipperfic. I leave it to the reader to decide.

[My take on the Mulder/Scully dynamic?] Once this was fairly easy to answer -- no more. The dynamic has become so complicated it would take far more text than anyone would care to read to come close to explaining my views. Personal perference is for episodes when both characters adore their work, plus love and respect one another without question. I regret that I don't always see that anymore -- unless Dave is writing. <g> Shipper friends are always asking why I call myself a noromo when, during discussions, my views often mirror their own. Basically, I enjoy exploring the road less travelled. Most American entertainment is geared toward boy gets girl. I find it more interesting to play with adult characters who are attractive, look great together, love one another, but don't act on that attraction in the expected way. Finding subtle ways to highlight the Mulder/Scully bond is great fun.

I lost my fanfic virginity to a dear Scottish buddy named Avril Brown. Check Gossamer, she's there and worth your time. The UK is seven hours ahead of the my section of the country, so I'd awaken every morning to find Mulder and Scully treasures waiting in my email. I couldn't get enough and hounded her for more.

The feedback issue is complicated, so bear with me. In the beginning, feedback was extremely important. I think any newbie writer is desperate for reader email because they've taken a step into a scary world and need validation that their work is being read and enjoyed. But as one continues to write, one evolves, realizing that feedback isn't why you write. It can't be. The fanfic universe is a crowded place, stories are plentiful and readers are very busy folks. These factors combine to make feedback more scarce than in the early days. If writing is your calling, you'll write because you must. Ultimately, you have to write for yourself. The bonus is having someone else like what you do. Personally, I cherish feedback. It gives me great joy to know I've brought pleasure to others. Plus, feedback puts you in the center of the best writer's workshop around. Where else but in fanfic can an author get immediate reaction from around the world?

Bet no one will be surprised when I pick Mulder as my favorite character. <g> He's got a plethora of wonderful traits...loyalty, honesty, decency, caring. He's brilliant. Driven. Always fascinating. Wonderfully complex. A knight who isn't afraid to let his armor display a spot of tarnish. We share a lot of traits, but I'm chicken to tell you which ones. <g> Okay, I'll go for a couple of the benign ones...we both like sleeping on couches and have a tendency to work too hard. I am also a huge Skinner fan and thoroughly enjoy stories highlighting the relationship between these two hunksters.