Choice and Chance and Change

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Title: Choice and Chance and Change
Author(s): Jane Carnall
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Choice and Chance and Change is a Spock/McCoy story by Jane Carnall.

It was published in the print zine In the Wilderness #2.

Reactions and Reviews

This is a Spock/McCoy story set in the Mirror universe. It concerns the setting up alliance between the senior officers on the Enterprise and the methods by which the alliance is obtained. It also tells the story of the first few days of McCoy and Spock's bonding and McCoy's doubts and fears. A well-written story that is worth a read even if you do not subscribe to the possibility of a relationship between Spock and McCoy. All in all a good collection of stories that is thought-provoking, humorous, even sad. The plots are generally believable and for me characterization is, in the main, spot on. As usual with Rosemary's work the zine is well-produced and is definitely on my 'read again' list.[1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #19